In this section we'll have a look at how to define relations and how to use them in our applications. In neo4-js exist two types of relations, HasMany and HasOne relations. With those two relation types you'll be able to create m:n
and 1:n
HasMany functions
create(props[], relationProps?)
add(instances[], relationProps?)
update(props, where?, relationProps?)
get(props?, relationProps?)
remove(props?, relationProps?)
count(props?, relationProps?)
HasOne functions
Defining m:n relations
import { Model, ModelInstance, model, relation, hasMany, hasOne } from "neo4-js";
type UserProps = {
name?: string,
type ProjectProps = {
title?: string,
* Creating Models
class UserModel extends Model<UserProps, UserInstance> { }
const User: UserModel = new UserModel("User");
class ProjectModel extends Model<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance> { }
const Project: ProjectModel = new ProjectModel("Project");
* Creating relations
* Reads like "User assigned to Project"
const UserProjectRelation = relation
* Creating the ModelInstances and connecting the properties
* to the relation. At this point we need to specify if the
* relation is 1:n or n:m with the hasOne and hasMany decorators.
class UserInstance extends ModelInstance<UserProps> {
@hasMany(Project, UserProjectRelation)
projects: HasManyActions<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance>;
class ProjectInstance extends ModelInstance<ProjectProps> {
@hasMany(User, UserProjectRelation)
members: HasManyActions<UserProps, UserInstance>;
User.create({ name: "Pippi Langstrumpf" })
.then((user: UserInstance) => {
return user.projects.create([{ title: "Pippi on the Run" }])
.then((projects: ProjectInstance[]) => {
Defining 1:n relations
import { Model, ModelInstance, model, relation, hasMany, hasOne } from "neo4-js";
type UserProps = {
name?: string,
type ProjectProps = {
title?: string,
* Creating Models
class UserModel extends Model<UserProps, UserInstance> { }
const User: UserModel = new UserModel("User");
class ProjectModel extends Model<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance> { }
const Project: ProjectModel = new ProjectModel("Project");
* Creating relations, reads like "User created Project"
* Whereas the source (User) is able to create many (Project)
* and the destination (Project) has one creator (User)
const UserProjectRelation = relation
* Creating the ModelInstances and connecting the properties
* to its relation.
class UserInstance extends ModelInstance<UserProps> {
@hasMany(() => Project, () => UserProjectRelation)
createdProjects: HasManyActions<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance>;
class ProjectInstance extends ModelInstance<ProjectProps> {
@hasOne(User, UserProjectRelation)
creator: HasOneAction<UserProps, UserInstance>;
User.create({ name: "Pippi Langstrumpf" })
.then((user: UserInstance) => {
return user.createdProjects.create([{ title: "Pippi on the Run" }])
.then((project: ProjectInstance) => {
return project.creator.get();
.then((pippi: UserInstance) => {
Working with relation properties
import { Model, ModelInstance, model, relation, hasMany, hasOne } from "neo4-js";
type UserProps = {
name?: string,
type ProjectProps = {
title?: string,
* Creating Models
class UserModel extends Model<UserProps, UserInstance> { }
const User: UserModel = new UserModel("User");
class ProjectModel extends Model<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance> { }
const Project: ProjectModel = new ProjectModel("Project");
* Creating relations
const UserProjectRelation = relation
* Creating ModelInstances
class UserInstance extends ModelInstance<UserProps> {
@hasMany(Project, UserProjectRelation)
createdProjects: HasManyActions<ProjectProps, ProjectInstance>;
class ProjectInstance extends ModelInstance<ProjectProps> {
@hasOne(User, UserProjectRelation)
creator: HasOneAction<UserProps, UserInstance>;
User.create({ name: "Pippi Langstrumpf" })
.then((user: UserInstance) => {
return user.createdProjects.create([{ title: "Pippi on the Run" }], { creationDate: })
.then(() => {
return user.createdProjects.get({}, { creationDate: { $between: [ - 10000, ] } });
.then((projects: ProjectInstance[]) => {